Consumers are buying cars. With or without you, they are buying lots of cars. They no longer need you to persuade them to make a purchase. They are out there purchasing every day. What is needed, however, is for you to provide your audience with reasons to choose to buy specifically from you.
That’s why you need to brand yourself online so that those buying consumers can become your customers.
Here are 5 Easy Tips for Starting Your Personal Online Brand:
1. Be consistent – It won’t happen overnight, so make sure you are consistently posting something at least once a day. If you want to create and boost your personal online brand presence, you have to get out there and post! If you can post more than once per day, that is great! Set reminder timers throughout the day and post away.
2. Comment on other influencer’s posts in your market – If you don’t have a strong following yet, it’s good to gain attention and respect by commenting on the posts of other notable influencers in your market. That way, over time, they will start to know you, follow you, respect you, and buy from you. They will familiarize themselves with your personal online brand as well. Don’t forget to always be a respectful commenter!
3. Build a personal network – Make sure that you are less focused on how many likes you’re receiving, and more on how many meaningful conversations you are having. That way, when potential customers realize they need a car, you’re the first person that comes to their mind. “It’s not about being popular, it’s about being profitable.” – Jasmine Star – This noteworthy Instagram influencer teaches us that social media provides a platform to find and connect with people. Make it personal to make it profitable!
4. Social Media is Word-of-Mouth on steroids – This means that you want to start collecting glowing reviews from every single person that has bought from you. Post these regularly online, letting other people see the proof of what you do. Many salespeople can receive referrals from people they don’t even know because their online reviews are so powerful!
5. Use #Hashtags that apply to YOUR IDEAL BUYER – Who is your ideal buyer? Put yourself in their shoes and then think of what topics they search for online. Those topical words should be your hashtags. Regardless of where in the country you live or work, every post you make should have a hashtag of your city and state so people in your area can find you. Also, hashtag any other important facts, such as what type of dealership you work with, i.e. Ford, Jeep, Lexus, BMW, etc.
For more information about building your personal brand online schedule a branding consultation with one of our Build-A-Brand™ experts by visiting
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